Angel Song ~ A BookSneeze Review

I absolutely adored this book. Uplifting Christian fiction is what I tend to read the most and this one was just stunning. It really caused me to pause and think about what the effect would be on my loved ones if I died unexpectedly...but wait, I'm getting a little ahead of myself. 

Angel Song written by Sheila Walsh (Women of Faith speaker and very accomplished author) and Kathryn Cushman (Work at Home mom but also has a pharmaceutical degree)is one of those rare books where the setting is described is so beautifully and fully that it can almost transport the reader right to the heart of a place. The descriptions of Charleston in this novel do just that: the houses are described in such fascinating detail you can see them in your mind just as if you are standing in front of them in person. 

The story itself is at times heart-warming, such as the scene where Anne is flying to Charleston to celebrate her little sister's college graduation at the start of the book and you can sense the love and pride she has in Sarah; and heart-wrenching, such as the tragic accident which eventually takes young Sarah's life just at the cusp of womanhood and embarking on her REAL life. You will need a seriously large box of tissues to get through it, but the tears are worth it. 

Anne is an up-and-coming interior designer and one of the first scenes in the book has her meeting the owner of a rival design company, Patrick Stinson. After an engaging conversation they trade business cards and that is the moment Anne discovers who her traveling companion is. She is momentarily embarrassed but then her pride rises and she remembers that she was named in a noteworthy interior design publication and puts the incident behind her. 

If you are a fan of Christian fiction, or prefer genuine love stories to the less wholesome selections on the mainstream fiction market today, Angel Song definitely belongs on your Want To Read list!


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