Won't you join me? I love to read, that is true. My other number one passion is cooking. I've gone to culinary school, went through a separate course to become a pastry chef, and actually had completed all four levels of The Wilton Method Cake Decorating School by age 12, just for fun because I wanted to learn how to do pretty stuff with frosting. Mind you, that was back in 1993 and cake decorating has come a long way since back then.

So on Tuesdays I'm going to be hosting a meme called Tasty Tuesday. Share ANYTHING food related you like. And I DO mean absolutely anything. Share a recipe. Share a picture of something you ate while out...or even just a pic from a website of somewhere you want to go. Did you have a success in the kitchen? Plan to do try something new? Perhaps even something that didn't come out right at all and you want to vent about it and maybe get some feedback or commiseration. That's what Tasty Tuesday is all about!!

So, please come join in the fun, spread the word, there's going to be a linky system in place and hopefully we'll all get some new friends (subscribers? readers?) on our blogs!


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